5th Arts Festival “Recalling the Future”


"Recalling the Future"

1th Happening "Iseo Porte Aperte" - Iseo (BS) April '96

5th Festival "Sui Sentieri della Fantasia" - Montisola (BS) Aug '96

Painting exhibition: Franco Liloni, Giovanni Franchi, Domenico Franchi, Danilo Manenti, Pier Paderni, Andrea Ortu, Marta Luppi, Benny Greco, Fabio Ticozzelli.  

Montisola Concerts Touring Band: Sa-Sol-Blue-Band with Gigio Fasoli

Special edition. In this Arts Festival edition the new artists and the public are wearing, at arrival and during the happenings, the costumes used in the past editions by Orizzonti Aperti Artists. The Otizzonti ApertiArtists are here instead wearing the dress of press agents from different media (TV, Radio, Newspapers)  they have a pink jaket with back writtenname  (name of Press Agencies, Radio, TV, Giornali) :  FOTOCECO  (fotoblind) - FOTOSCURA (fotodark) - FOTOFALSA (fotofalse) - RADIORAGLIO (radiobray ) - RADIOSTRILLO (radioscreem ) - RADIOFALSA (radiofalse) - TELECRITICO  (telecritic) - TELESUONO - TELEPIAZZO - TELEDICO - TELEMOLLO - TELEROMPO - Press ag. ANSIA (Press Ag. Anxiety) - Press ag. BALLE (Press. Ag. Balls)

pictures tell the story...


from Novara, Germany  and..far away
happening with media
Nike e Maura, glittering twins
new arrivals
we are coming
towards the Portico Archetti
walking the streets of Monteisola
magic trio
Gianni Rondi leading
new arrivals
Fabio Ticozzelli e Marta Luppi
Maura e Nike & Telepiazzo filming
Corinne, the german photographer
Rossella Goffi
towards the Portico Archetti
happy..."heroes just for one day"
Gianni Rondi e Franco Liloni
the big banner at  Portico Archetti
the Manifesto at Portico Archetti
german delegation (only women)
 Portico Archetti
exhibition at Portico Archetti
il Portico Archetti, now Art Gallewry
exhibition at Portico Archetti
exhibition at Portico Archetti
Fabio Ticozzelli e Marta Luppi
Conte Damiani Marco da Colle Isarco
Marta Lupi shining
gates to the exhibition at  Portico Archetti
works of  Domenico Franchi
paitnings of Andrea Ortu
Andrea Ortu with  Benny Greco
works of Domenico Frachi
Portico Archetti
Fotoblind taking pictures
Portico Archetti
Franco Liloni outstanding
Lucio Bonzani
masques sleeping
gates to the exibition of Tourist Office
exhibition in Tourist Office
exhibition in Tourist Office
exhibition in Tourist Office
exhibition in Tourist Office
exhibition in Tourist Office
exhibition in Tourist Office
exhibition in Tourist Office
exhibition in Tourist Office
what did we write in the media?
Frammenti di Andromeda in exhibition
just happy to be there
evening concerts at Portico Archetti
a Frammento di Androemda
evening concerts at Portico Archetti
evening concerts at Portico Archetti
evening concerts at Portico Archetti
evening concerts at Portico Archetti
Fa-sol-blue-band in tour
the album of Fa sol blue band
collage by Corinne for Monteisola